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Metoprolol is a cardioselective β1-adrenergic blocking agent used for acute myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure, angina pectoris and mild to moderate hypertension. It may also be used for supraventricular and tachyarrhythmias and prophylaxis for migraine headaches. Metoprolol is structurally similar to bisoprolol, acebutolol and atenolol in that it has two substituents in the para position of the benzene ring. The β1-selectivity of these agents is thought to be due in part to the large substituents in the para position. At low doses, metoprolol selectively blocks cardiac β1-adrenergic receptors with little activity against β2-adrenergic receptors of the lungs and vascular smooth muscle. Receptor selectivity decreases with higher doses. Unlike propranolol and pindolol, metoprolol does not exhibit membrane-stabilizing or intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. Membrane-stabilizing effects are only observed at doses much higher than those needed for β-adrenergic blocking activity. Metoprolol possesses a single chiral centre and is administered as a racemic mixture.

Methylergonovine Maleate

Methylergonovine Maleate Salt is an oxytocic, and a metabolite of Methysergide. This compound is a semisynthetic ergot alkaloid.

Ketanserin Tartrate

Ketanserin tartrate is a salt of Ketanserin. Ketanserin is reported to have a high affinity for multiple G protein-coupled receptors, such as serotonin receptors. Ketanserin is a selective SR-2/SR-1 °C antagonist. It has been used to distinguish between SR-1D and SR-1B subtypes. Additional studies have noted that Ketanserin is able to differentiate between recombinant human forms of these receptors with a higher affinity for SR-1Dα receptors compared to SR-1Dβ receptors. Ketanserin tartrate is an inhibitor of SR-2A and SR-2 °C.


Kanamycin (also known as kanamycin A) is an aminoglycoside bacteriocidal antibiotic, available in oral, intravenous, and intramuscular forms, and used to treat a wide variety of infections. Kanamycin is isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces kanamyceticus and its most commonly used form is kanamycin sulfate.


Magnesium hydroxide is used primarily in «Milk of Magnesia», a white aqueous, mildly alkaline suspension of magnesium hydroxide formulated at about 8%w/v. Milk of magnesia is primarily used to alleviate constipation, but can also be used to relieve indigestion and heartburn. When taken internally by mouth as a laxative, the osmotic force of the magnesia suspension acts to draw fluids from the body and to retain those already within the lumen of the intestine, serving to distend the bowel, thus stimulating nerves within the colon wall, inducing peristalsis and resulting in evacuation of colonic contents.


Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) derivative of propionic acid used for relieving pain, helping with fever and reducing inflammation. About 60% of people improve with any given NSAID and it is recommended that if one does not work that another should be tried. Ibuprofen might be considered a weaker anti-inflammatory than other NSAIDs

Doxazosin Mesylate

Doxazosin Mesylate is an α-blocker drug related to prazosin, specifically acting as an AR (α-1-adrenoceptor) antagonist. Doxazosin Mesylate inhibits the binding of norepinephrine to the α-1 receptors on the membrane of vascular smooth muscle cells. The primary effect of this inhibition is relaxed vascular smooth muscle tone (vasodilation), which decreases peripheral vascular resistance, leading to decreased blood pressure.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide

A highly polar organic liquid, that is used widely as a chemical solvent. Because of its ability to penetrate biological membranes, it is used as a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals. It is also used to protect tissue during cryopreservation. Dimethyl sulfoxide shows a range of pharmacological activity including analgesia and anti-inflammation.

Dihydroergotamine Methanesulfonate

Dihydroergotamine Methanesulfonate Salt is a competitive serotonin antagonist and vasoconstrictor.


A synthetic steroid with antigonadotropic and anti-estrogenic activities that acts as an anterior pituitary suppressant by inhibiting the pituitary output of gonadotropins. It possesses some androgenic properties. Danazol has been used in the treatment of endometriosis and some benign breast disorders.

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