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In this section we select proposals for funding studies of pharmaceuticals. Most current projects with specialized and popular sites that may be of interest to you.

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Found 6 projects

Beta Bionics, Inc. have developed a bionic pancreas called the iLet™, a pocket-sized, wearable medical device that autonomously manages blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. The iLet technology has demonstrated dramatic improvements in clinical outcomes. Through its ability to continuously adapt to the ever-changing insulin needs of people with diabetes, the iLet is the quintessential embodiment of personalized medicine — a sturdy and irrevocable bridge to the ever-elusive cure

Gathered 1% (622 890 USD)
100 000 000 USD
Project completed

QMedics have made a proactive medical alert service that intelligently routes users to the right care services at the right time, whether that's a nurse, family member, social worker, or, if necessary, the ER. QMedic's simple help button passively tracks motion & sleep patterns 24 hours/day, enabling care providers & family members to perform wellness checks as needed. This lowers the cost of care for health insurance plans while enabling your loved ones to get the care services they need.

Gathered 0% (15 000 USD)
20 000 000 USD
Project completed

iGEM Stockholm consists of students from two major universities in Stockholm who are all passionate about synthetic biology and who have come together to compete in the largest competition in synthetic biology, iGEM (international Genetic Engineered Machine). Most of our team members are studying in engineering or biomedical fields, and we have additional competence in design and art. In this competition students choose an issue within a field of their choice and tackle it using genetic engineering. They plan and conduct the project, and finally all the 300 teams from around the world will meet in Boston to present and discuss their projects We aim to use a variety of enzymes with the ability to destroy biofilms and attach them to spider silk by using an enzyme called Sortase. This enzyme is able to recognize two peptide sequences, LPXTG and poly-G, and combines them to fuse the two proteins together. To use this property of Sortase for our purpose we will combine the genes of bio...

Gathered 17% (446 USD)
2 500 USD
Project completed

Ray iCare is a high quality sleep monitoring solution that uses Artificial Intelligence to work as an alert system for epileptic seizures. It offers long-term sleep monitoring that does not require the patient to wear a device or have a wearable, thus limiting them physically. The patient/caregiver simply has to install the device on the wall, and a continuous stream of data is transmitted to a smartphone. Our solution’s primary market advantage is that adopting it requires zero change in consumer behavior.

Gathered 2% (536 USD)
20 000 USD
Project completed

Mirza Genetics develops molecular formula to cure breast cancer at any stage. Despite the fact that the project is in the initial stage, the team has experience in biotechnology companies, and they spent a few successful tests of their development.

Gathered 0% (2 USD)
200 000 USD
Project completed

Uniconcilium creates a system based on the principle of wisdom of the crowd, which will allow each patient to collect online consultation, consisting of a large number of doctors, and in some way to collect and transform their professional insight into accurate estimates of probabilities related to the considered medical cases.

Gathered 0% (23 USD)
11 000 USD
Project completed