Рейтинг научных журналов

Импакт-фактор 101.78
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians is a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society providing cancer care professionals with up-to-date information on all aspects of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Импакт-фактор 53.298

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM.org) is dedicated to bringing physicians the best research and key information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice, and to presenting the information in an understandable and clinically useful format. A career companion for physicians, NEJM keeps practicing physicians informed on developments that are important to their patients and keeps them connected to both clinical science and the values of being a good physician. NEJM employs a highly rigorous peer-review and editing process to evaluate manuscripts for scientific accuracy, novelty, and importance. The editors have set policies to ensure that authors disclose all relevant financial associations and that those financial associations do not influence published content. These factors contribute to NEJMТs reputation as the «gold standard» for quality biomedical research and for the best practices in clinical medicine. NEJM is the most widely read, cited, and influential general medical periodical in the world. As it evolves to meet the changing needs of its readers in the 21st century, it is committed to maintaining that reputation and integrity, while using innovative formats and technologies for new features and faster delivery and access.

Импакт-фактор 52.761

The mission of Annual Reviews is to provide systematic, periodic examinations of scholarly advances in a number of fields of science through critical authoritative reviews. The comprehensive critical review not only summarizes a topic but also roots out errors of fact or concept and provokes discussion that will lead to new research activity. The critical review is an essential part of the scientific method. Annual Reviews was founded as a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping scientists the world over cope with the ever-increasing volume of scientific research and data in a growing number of disciplines. Since the publication of the first Annual Review of Biochemistry in 1932, Annual Reviews has brought to its readers the best in comprehensive and affordable scientific review literature. The Annual Review volumes have become an indispensable part of t he development of many disciplines. Annual Reviews is a nonprofit organization created and managed by scientists to serve science by publishing reviews in 40 different scientific fields. Annual Reviews` mission is to intelligently synthesize scientific literature in a review format and to ensure that this information is then widely distributed and easily available.

Импакт-фактор 43.933

Reviews of Modern Physics (RMP) serves both students and senior researchers in a broad range of fields. Its review articles offer in-depth treatment of a research area, surveying recent work and providing an introduction that is aimed at physics graduate students and nonspecialists. These reviews also feature bibliographies that are of great value to the specialist. The journal`s shorter Colloquia describe recent work of interest to all physicists, especially work at the frontiers of physics, which may have an impact on several different subfields.

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