Viam Affectare Olympo in 2016!

LinkedIn is a great way to communicate professionally and I decided to use it as a platform to share some of my thoughts, plans and projects. Using series of brief posts I will try to convey the basic ideas behind iVAO and invite you and your colleagues to join me and my team in the most noble and rewarding quest against aging and age-related diseases.

LinkedIn is a great way to communicate professionally and I decided to use it as a platform to share some of my thoughts, plans and projects. Using series of brief posts I will try to convey the basic ideas behind iVAO and invite you and your colleagues to join me and my team in the most noble and rewarding quest against aging and age-related diseases.

Firstly, I am not just another Russian billionaire, who decided to support aging research to extend his life or picked up an expensive hobby. But in my case it is a comprehensive long-term plan to eliminate suffering and empowering the vulnerable and I believe that biomedical advances focused on increasing human longevity provide more effective means to make this world a better and more sustainable place. Viam Affectare Olympo can literary be translated as «To Strive Towards the Sky» and in this context is a constant stride towards self-improvement and longevity.

I set a goal to extend human longevity in the early 1990’s and in 1996 established the «Eternal Youth Foundation» in St. Petersburg, which spent years collecting information and devising a sustainable plan to combat aging. In 2014 we launched iVAO as a platform to link scientists, business people, funding bodies and general public to advance aging research with a conservative business model and investments that yield attractive returns while minimizing risk though careful screening and hedging strategies. This portal will integrate years of careful research and analysis with a social network, investment vehicle and even a range of life extension strategies. We will be gradually evolving the system to make it into a tool of choice for venture capitalists, hedge funds as well as companies, laboratories and even individual scientists.

n addition, I would like to invite you to our first annual «Biomedical Innovation for Healthy Longevity» International conference in St. Petersburg, April 25–28, where some of the world’s most outstanding scientists and business people will present their research, commercial opportunities and investment strategies.

My personal plan for this upcoming year is to structure and publish my thoughts in several books, academic and personal publications and to turn iVAO into a global system that will act as an engine for hundreds of teams, laboratories and companies helping them achieve their goals.

Welcome to iVAO and please share this story. If you are interested in further updates, please follow me or iVAO on LinkedIn and let’s stay in touch!

Happy New Year!

Andrey Fomenko

Founder at IVAO Viam Affectare Olympo

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