Перевести на Переведено сервисом «Яндекс.Перевод»

Aging, DNA reparations and cancer

Place of work — Department of Biology
University of Rochester, USA
Contacts — 213 Hutchinson Hall River-
Campus Rochester,NY14627
(585) 275–7740 (585) 275–6637
Publications — Coevolution of telomerase activity and body mass in
mammals: from mice to beavers. Gorbunova, v. , and A. Seluanov. 2008Mech. Aging Dev., In
press (Invited review)
Use of Rad51 promoter for targeted anticancer therapy.
Hine, C., Seluanov, A., and v. Gorbunova. 2008Proc Natl Acad Sci 105(53):20810–5.
Distinct tumor suppressor mechanisms evolve in rodent
species that differ in size and lifespan.
Seluanov, A., Hine, C., Bozzella, M., Hall, A.,
Sasahara, T.H.C., Ribeiro, A.A.C.M., Cata- nia, K.C., Presgraves, D.C., and v. Gorbunova. 2008. Aging Cell 7(6):813–823.
Rodents for comparative aging studies: from mice to
beavers Gorbunova, v. , Bozella, M., and
A. Seluanov. 2008. Age 30(2–3):111–119.