Перевести на Переведено сервисом «Яндекс.Перевод»

Mechanisms of gene expression and their interrelation in aging and cancer

Place of work — The Wistar Institute,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Contacts — 3601 Spruce Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
(215) 898–5006
Publications — Structural basis
for sirtuin function: What we know and what we don’t. Sanders B.D., Jackson
B., Marmorstein R. Biochim Biophys. Acta (in press)
Identification and characterization of novel sirtuin
inhibitor scaffolds. Sanders B.D., Jackson
B., Brent M., Taylor A.M., Dang W., Berger S.L.,
Schreiber S.L., Howitz K., Marmorstein R. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2009; Oct 1;17(19):7031–41.
Human UBN1 is an ortholog of yeast Hpc2p and has an
essential role in the HIRA/ASF1a
chromatin-remodeling pathway in senescent cells.
Banumathy G., Somaiah N., Zhang R.,
Tang Y., Hoffmann J., Andrake M., Ceulemans H., Schultz
D., Marmorstein R., Adams P. D. Mol. Cell
Biol. 2009 Feb;29(3):758–70.