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Molecular mechanisms of calorie restriction influence on aging and development of age-related diseases

Place of work — Laboratory
of Experimental
Gerontology, National
Institute on Aging, USA
Contacts — 251 Bayview Boulevard, Suit
100, Baltimore, MD 21224- 6825
(410) 558–8110
Publications — Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory vasoprotective
effects of caloric restriction in aging: role
of circulating factors and SIRT1. Csiszar A, Labinskyy
N, Jimenez R, Pinto JT, Ballabh P, Losonczy G, Pearson KJ, de Cabo R, Ungvari Z. Mech Ageing Dev. 2009
Effects of aging and calorie restriction on rat skeletal
muscle glycogen synthase and glycogen
phosphorylase. Montori-Grau M, Minor R, Lerin C, Allard
J, Garcia-Martinez C, de Cabo R, Gómez-Foix AM. Exp Gerontol. 2009 Jun-Jul;44(6–7):426–33.
Dietary activators of Sirt1. Allard JS, Perez E, Zou S,
de Cabo R. Cell Endocrinol. 2009 Feb