Перевести на Переведено сервисом «Яндекс.Перевод»

Molecular mechanisms of heat shock response using budding yeast as a model system

Place of work — University of
Texas-Houston Medical
School, USA
Contacts — 6431 Fannin Street, MSB 1.190 Houston, Texas 77030, USA (713) 500–5890 kevin.a.morano@uth.tmc.edu
Publications — The Hsp110 protein chaperone Sse1 is required for yeast cell wall integrity and morphogenesis. Shaner L., Gibney P.A., Morano K. A. Curr. Genet. 2008;54:1–11.
Structure of the Hsp110:Hsc70 nucleotide exchange machine. Schuermann J.P., Jiang J., Cuellar J., Llorca O., Wang L., Gimenez L.E., Jin S., Taylor A.B., Demeler B., Morano K.A., Hart P.J., Valpuesta J.M., Lafer E. M. Sousa R. Mol. Cell 2008;31:232–243.
Rtr1 is the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homolog of a novel family of RNA polymerase II-binding proteins. Gibney P.A., Fries T., Bailer S.M., Morano K. A. Eukaryot. Cell 2008;7:938–948.