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Role of membrane-bound protein caveolin-1 in cancer development; mechanisms leading to alternative forms of cell death

Place of work — Medical School, Chili
University, Chili
Contacts — Universidad de Chile, Av. Independencia 1027, Santiago, Chile
(56 02) 978–6849
Publications — Caveolin-1 controls cell proliferation and cell death by
suppressing expression of the inhibitor
of apoptosis protein survivin. Torres VA, Tapia JC,
Rodríguez DA, Párraga M, Lisboa P, Mon- toya M, Leyton L, Quest AF. J Cell Sci.
2006 May 1;119(Pt 9):1812–23.
Caveolin-1: an ambiguous partner in cell signalling and
cancer. Quest AF, Gutierrez-Pajares
JL, Torres VA. J Cell Mol Med. 2008 Aug;12(4):1130–50.