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Creation of nanorobots and their use in the molecular manufacturing for body restoration at the molecular level

The main guideline of R. Freitas work is development of medical nanorobots for the diagnostics, the repair of damaged tissues, cells and organs (including those after cryopreservation), DNA analysis and correction, and elimination of bacteria and viruses. Using modern technologies, the manufacturing of nanorobots may start in the next 15–20 years. R. Freitas believes that the size of the device should not exceed 1×1×3 µm (without locomotor flagellums). Molecular manufacturing that uses nanotechnologies will enable to solve the problem of any organ treatment and restoration at the molecular level. Moreover, this technology will help to create artificial blood cells and cells with new functionality (for example, respirocytes that will help the human to breath underwater). In addition, it will help to stop the use of antibiotics in the treatment of any infectious diseases, cure cancer and heal any wounds, it will help to replace chromosomes and so, it will deliver people from genetic diseases. Nanorobots will enable to remove defects that have accumulated in the organism and cause aging. As the result, nanorobots may considerably prolong human youth and life span.

Place of employment — Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, USA.

Contacts — 555 Bryant Street, Suite 354Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA (650) 917-1120admin@imm.org .

Publications — Nanotechnology, nanomedicine and nanosurgery. Freitas RA Jr. Int J Surg. 2005;3(4):243–6. Epub 2005 Nov 28. No abstract available. Medical nanorobot architecture based on nanobioelectronics. Cavalcanti A, Shirinzadeh B, Freitas RA Jr, Kretly LC. Recent Pat Nanotechnol. 2007;1(1):1–10