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ExoAtlet medical exoskeleton for rehabilitation

Medical exoskeleton ExoAtlet is designed to assist disabled people and it can be used for both physical and social rehabilitation of locomotor patients with musculoskeletal disorders.

Medical exoskeleton ExoAtlet is designed to assist disabled people and it can be used for both physical and social rehabilitation of locomotor patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
This modification will administrate the rehabilitation needs and physical therapy methods of rehabilitation departments and specialized rehabilitation centers for children and adults.
ExoAtlet is a unique device designed to assist in verticalization and walk of patients with locomotion disorders of lower limbs: its controll system is based on signals from torque sensors, electromyograms and brain signals. Voice control can be used as well.
Controll algorithms allow to performe the movement with constnt repeat of natural walk pattern which speeeds up the recovery process of locomotor and nerve systems.
With the help of exoskeleton ExoAtlet patients will be able to walk again, go up and down the stairs, sit down and stand up all by themselves.
The verticalization and walk by themselves is the basic condition of health funtioning of human body and all inner sistems. They improve blood pressure, lung ventilation, they provide degeneration of muscels and bone tissues, improves the mobility of the joints, prevents urological deseses and disorders.
The ExoAtlet is a solution for the problem of symbiosis of humane body and mechanical device on the mechano- haptic interplay. this is an integration of a person an a robot.
For the first time people spending their life in a wheel chair are able to stand on their feet and talk to people face to face.


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