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Private Russian VC fund backs new thrombosis therapy

Primer Capital, a private Russian venture fund, announced its $175,000 investment in FK Laboratories, the domestic developer of a novel drug candidate to prevent and treat thromboses.

Thrombosis is the formation of solid blood clots (thrombi) in the blood vessels which threatens to disrupt normal blood circulation. What poses the greatest threat to the human body in thrombus formation is a condition in which a thrombus suddenly breaks free from the wall of a vessel to become free-floating; it may get right into the heart or the lungs or the brain.

The drug candidate FK Laboratories has come up with represents the next generation of highly specific direct thrombin inhibitor, the solution most widely used to deal with the pathology. «The medicine under development is offering a range of key advantages, including oral administering, no toxicity, and high specificity," Primer Capital executive director Elizaveta Rozhdestvenskaya said.

The developer will funnel the Primer Capital investment, as well as a $524,000 Minister of Education and Science grant received earlier, into a series of preclinical trials.

Currently thrombus-related pathology is said to be responsible for about 40% of adults’ premature deaths.

Source: http://marchmontnews.com/Finance-Business/Central-regions/21716-Private-Russian-VC-fund-backs-new-th...

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